Kobe stumbles, Orlando revives Magic touch


Last February, Sports Illustrated conducted a survey where 190 NBA players were asked, “With the game on the line, which NBA player would you want to take the last shot?” Dwayne Wade got two percent; Paul Pierce got three percent, same with Chauncey Billups and LeBron James. Who received a staggering 76 percent? You guessed it right: Kobe Bean Bryant.

But, as we all saw yesterday, with less than 30 seconds left in the game clock and Orlando Magic leading by two, Kobe dribbled left, then right, penetrated—then he fumbled! From a potential game-tying two-pointer, he lost the ball… and the ballgame. Worse, minutes earlier, he missed a free throw. Not once but five bungled free throws out of 10 attempts. And he’s the man proclaimed by 76 percent of his peers as the game’s “best closer?”

A bad Dream

Meyrick and Perl Jacalan are furious. Devoted sports enthusiasts (Meyrick has completed the Hong Kong and Singapore Marathons and follows F1 racing while Perl finished the Singapore 21K and relishes Federer vs. Nadal), they’re infuriated because they can’t watch any sports.

Hooked up with Dream Satellite TV, since May 1 almost all the top channels have been abolished: There’s no Solar Sports, no ESPN, no Star Sports. Even HBO and Cinemax have been eliminated.

Categorized as Cebu City

Roger is Fed-tastic

The last time I saw Roger Federer, in person, was 10 months ago at the Beijing Olympics. In the first round, he played Dmitry Tursunov. Seated on Row 2 just 30 feet away, my wife Jasmin and I gazed at a man who wore a red T-shirt, white bandana and shorts, and a pair of Nikes with the letters engraved, “RF.” On the stands watched LeBron James.


Federer to win France? Roger on that!


“Patience is bitter, but it’s fruit is sweet.” Those words were first uttered by an 18th century philosopher named Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was born in Switzerland but later moved to Paris, France.

Another great man, in this 21st century, also born in Switzerland but now in Paris, France, will try to remember those words today. Patience is bitter…. but it’s fruit is sweet. For, true enough, hasn’t Roger Federer been most patient? At the French Open? On clay? Learning the game of tennis at the age of eight, he grew up playing on Basel’s clay courts. Then, starting in 1999, he joined his first-ever Grand Slam event. On clay. He lost that year at the French Open. And the year after. And each year ever since up until 2008.

Today, June 7, 2009, the French-speaking Swiss is back. Today, as painstaking as it was losing the past 10 years, he’ll attempt to grab the sweetest fruit of all: the Roland Garros trophy.

Hans Bloom in the Stockholm Marathon

Just got this email from a friend who comes all the way from Sweden… “Hi John! Hope you remember me – Hans Bloom from Sweden – who participated in Sinulog Half marathon in Cebu in january. Last saturday I ran Stockholm Marathon in the shirt I got in Cebu – Cebu Executive Runners Club. I finished the race in 3.49,35 good enough for place 2894 among almost 15,,000 who started and about 14 000 who finished. It was very hot – 25-30 degrees! The hottest day so far in Sweden. Here are 2 pictures from before the race and after. I might join you in Cebu again next january. /Best regards from Hans Bloom”


Categorized as Marathon