Trekking the historical mountain named Manunggal

On March 16, 1957, the 3rd President of the Republic of the Philippines—Ramon Magsaysay—arrived in Cebu for speaking engagements at three schools: USC, SWU and UV. Later that evening, he attended a party hosted by Cebu City Mayor Sergio Osmeña, Jr.

By 1 a.m. and in the blackness of the Cebu night, Pres. Magsaysay boarded a Douglas C-47 plane named “Mt. Pinatubo” at the Lahug Airport. An estimated 40 minutes later, as the plane hovered near the mountains of Balamban, the aircraft—carrying our president and 25 others—met a tragic accident on the slopes of Mt. Manunggal.

This Saturday, March 14, 2009—or 52 years to that fateful week—an event in Balamban to commemorate his death—and his life—will be realized. “Paghandum ni Magsasay Annual Adventure Trek ’09,” it’s named, and spearheading the project is Balamban Councilor Dave Karamihan.

Boracay: The Perfect Mix of Sun, Sand and Sports

Since summer is near (or has, in fact, because of the HOT weather, arrived), here’s an article I wrote in May 2007 about one of the world’s best beaches….

It was 23 years ago when my feet first touched the powder that sprinkled on this island. Then, there was no electricity. No rock bands rocked your sleep until 3:17 a.m. No Greek or Indian or Portuguese cuisine tempted your tongue. No 18-hole golf course chased down the white ball into a six-inch-hole like Fairways and Bluewater. No Flying Fish or Banana Boat or Yamaha jet-skis floated on the slippery seas. Boracay, in those 1980s and echoed by Madonna, was “Like A Virgin.”

Last week, after my 10th or so visit, my feet once more touched the powder. I despised it. You know what I hated the most? The part when, after five days and nights stranded there, your boat leaves the paradise to head back home.

I hate leaving Boracay! To my family-threesome—my wife Jasmin and daughter Jana included—there’s no other place in our archipelago that we’d rather vacation than this island strip off Panay the world calls “One of the Best Beaches in the World.”

Try the Tri? Yes, this sport is worth Tri’ing

If you know how to float on water and can swim the freestyle or breast-stroke, if you can mount a bicycle and pedal it forward, if you can plant one foot in front of the other and run, then I suggest you consider joining one sport.

Sorry, it’s not one sport. It’s Tri. As in “three.” You know, with words like “tricycle” or “triangle” or “tripartite,” this word is the same: It’s one sport partitioned with three legs.

Triathlon, it’s named, and, for the first time, I joined an event last Sunday in Catmon. It was a mini-triathlon—nowhere near the Hawaii Ironman—with distances that any regular exerciser can finish: a 300-meter swim, 15K bike and 3,000-meter run. My advice to all?

Tri is a must-try. Really, you should.

Categorized as Triathlon

Catmon Triathlon: my first try with the Tri

A 300-meter swim. A 15K bike. A 3K run. That’s all it takes to finish the Catmon Triathlon race on March 1, explained Quinito Moras, when I saw my high school buddy at the SM North Wing two Thursdays ago.

Go! I’ll try the Tri! And so, this tennis player-turned-long distance runner—with absolutely no plans of joining a swim-bike-run race a few weeks back—agreed to “Try the Tri.”

With only two practice swims at the Casino Español and two bike rides, at 5:45 a.m. last Sunday, off I drove from my Talamban home with Jasmin and Jana to the Bachao Beach Resort in Catmon.

Categorized as Triathlon

Triathlon, after having pedaled downhill, swims back to life

My good friend EUGENE SANCHEZ, a longtime swimmer, biker and runner all bundled into one (in a word, “triathlete”), emailed me with fantastic news. Says Eugene (who, last Sunday, ran the 10K Rotary Run in a speedy 47 minutes):

“For years, triathlon has been silent in Cebu. Gone were the days when we were represented in national races and Cebuano triathletes placed well in podium finishes. That is, until last Dec. when ex-triathletes unified under one Cebuano Tri-club to bring back the sport.
“Thus, SUGBU TRIATHLON was born. First event was the Pipit-Pipti Mini-Triathlon, which consists of a 300-meter swim, a 15K bike and a 3K run. Entry fee was pegged at only P50—thus the name “pipit-pipti tri.” The first event was held last Jan. at Scuba World in Mactan where 30-plus athletes joined.

“The 2nd Pipti-Pipti Tri event will be held on March 1 at the Bachao Beach Resort in Catmon. Race distance is the same. With Catmon’s flat bike-and-run course, athletes will be treated to a nice day of fun racing… if you consider pushing yourself to your maximum heart rate as fun!

“The people behind Sugbu triathlon are inviting all athletes not just from the swim, bike and run sport, but anybody who’d like to have a go at something different on a Sunday morning. So put on your swimming trunks and goggles, dust off your father’s old bike, grab your worn-out running shoes and head up to Catmon and see if you have the speed and endurance to finish this mini-sprint triathlon. Do the tri, bai.”

Categorized as Triathlon

Jonas Panerio of CDN on the Cebu Sports Awards

A Night To Remember by Jonas Panerio (Feb. 20)

Cebu’s best and the brightest athletes mingled with the country’s most prized sporting hero, boxing champion Manny Pacquiao, in what was an unforgettable night at the 27th Sportswriters Association of Cebu-San Miguel Corporation (SAC-SMC) All-Cebu Sports Awards Wednesday evening at the Casino Espanol ballroom.

Pacquiao, who was just conferred the honorary degree of “Doctor of Humanities” (Honoris Causa) by the Southwestern University (SWU) earlier that evening, arrived at the event along with his wife, Jinky, and business partner Rex “Wakee” Salud. He then receive the Lifetime Achievement Award for his spectacular exploits in the ring, which has brought great honor to the country.